Saturday, June 13, 2009


Ah, the good ole prologue. ALWAYS my favorite part of the writing process, where you start to transfer that wonderful story you have in your head onto the computer screen (or piece of paper) in front of you. Yet I have to admit that I have no clue on how to start off this blog. Do I dive right into the purpose of this blog? Jump into a story about myself so you can get to know the person behind the keyboard? Or just write a general piece and pretend like I have been here all my life & make you believe that you've just stumbled upon an established blogger?

I think a general overview of who I am and the reason behind this blog is probably the best. Of course I could be wrong and it would not be the first time. My friends & family know me as "T", I am a 27 year old man and I love to write. The entire reason behind why I like to write is a different blog but it is something that I have been doing for quite some time. Now I currently work @ a rather large company. I enjoy my work, it is challenging without being stressful, and it pays enough that I am comfortable. BUT it has very little to do with writing.

I have been writing "seriously" since my freshman year of college and since then I have written two of what I consider to be real books. The type that have the chance to be published and the type I believe people could actually enjoy. I have had a few struggles in my life (A later blog)that have put my hopes for being published on the back-burner, but my hope is that this blog will give me the motivation to do everything I can to get my book(s) published.

So hello and welcome to my blog. For those of you reading I hope that you will stick around as I begin my journey into getting a book published. Hopefully you will be there to congratulate me on my successes, help pick me up when I fall, and kick me in the butt when I need a good kick in the butt.

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